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A custom ButtonWidget implementation with builder and rendering improvements (and more features in general)

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abstract class CustomListWidget<E : CustomListWidget.Entry<*>>(client: MinecraftClient, x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) : ClickableWidget, ParentElement, RepositioningWidget

A custom list widget implementation with improved scrolling, positioning, and interaction mechanics

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class CustomMultilineTextWidget @JvmOverloads constructor(message: Text, lineHeight: Int = 9, topPadding: Int = 0, bottomPadding: Int = topPadding, leftPadding: Int = 0, rightPadding: Int = 0) : AbstractTextWidget

Multiline text widget that aligns its text to the left and has a resizable width.

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open class CustomPressableWidget(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, message: Text) : ClickableWidget, TooltipChild

Custom implementation of a PressableWidget that provides several improvements to rendering.